(Bad, BAD poll!)

I mock the absurdity of voluntary-response internet and TV polls; you laugh hysterically. It's rather uncomplicated. Submissions appreciated. (badpoll@gmail.com)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Only because I'm afraid of aligators


Hurricanes--The only thing holding everyone in the U.S. back from moving to Florida. Large population of old Jewish guys--totally cool.

Apples to Agent Orange

Sorry... Playing some catch-up. I haven't been spending much time with my computah lately.

Anyway, Matt sent me this one from IMDB last week:

In his words, "[It's] Not at all unlike asking 'which do you like better, broccoli or Pepsi?'"

But... but I do like broccoli more than Pepsi. Suck on that, Matt.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Which choice will you click on on the screen in this poll that you'll vote for for us?

News 10 Sacremento:

Terrible wording aside, I like how one of the choices (economy) is inclusive of another (unemployment).

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Yes, a spelling error (because I never make those)

CBS Sportsline:
An unscientific opinion poll about some dude's unscientific opinion about something inconsequential to anything... with a flawed array of choices... and an egregious spelling error. And I'm the dope who takes the bait.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Unnecessarily harsh, no?

FOX Sports, via Matt:

If the Jets don't win 9 games, Brett Favre will be committed.
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